Where has morale gone in the real estate market?

Diana Perger
Domosfera . hr

Written by Diana Perger for domosfera.hr

Licensed real estate agent of the agency Euro-interiors.

It is obvious that in addition to the existing controls, i.e. non-controls, legal real estate agencies must assume the role of self-regulator of the market and expel amateurs from it with quality. Read the full article on the portal domosfera.hr

A comprehensive portal for real estate and housing culture in Croatia DomoSfera.hr, the initiator of which is Zagrebačka banka, and the developer and project holder is a member of the Zagrebačka banka Group — a company of Contemporary Business Communications (formerly MZB). In addition to a wide selection of real estate, the portal also offers a range of products and services, as well as advice from experts in the field of landscaping, financing and housing insurance.

published on 28.05.2015 year

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