How to sell a house?

Ljiljana Baković

An old acquaintance called me recently. We did not see each other for a long time and after the usual greetings, she went with the story, the problem she faced.

He wants to sell the house! How?

Of course at first she thought it was simple. Time of business. As time went on and nothing happened, customers even from weeds, she realized she was wrong.

But where?

How to sell a house!?!?

How and where to find a buyer?

With coffee, we went through the process of how best to sell the house.

So the first step is certainly documentation, then, do you know what price you would sell the house for. There is still the preparation of the house for sale and finally the purchase price should be communicated.

After an hour or two of my effort, trying to explain each item, she became even more nervous because of course nothing is ever ideal, there is always that “BUT” that complicates everything;

-Is there all the necessary documentation or does something else need to be found or coordinated?

Where to solve it? Who to turn to?

-How to determine the price of a house?

What does it mean to prepare a house for sale?

A quality presentation? How?

-Negotiate with the buyer!?

Without the unnecessary drama that arises with the owner, nevertheless he is emotionally attached to the house, it used to be his home.

My acquaintance almost burst into tears; “I don't understand anything! How am I ever going to sell a house!?!?”

I laughed at her panic.

And I know she's not the only one!

How to sell a house is a question that requires a lot of subquestions, ambiguity, it is difficult to find all the answers.

An acquaintance decided to help us. You decide too.

Contact us with confidence. We will do our best to present your house on the market with quality, and sell it quickly, to your and our satisfaction.

We are available at;

01/3734 793, 091/3730 099, 091/3734 793


published on 26.04.2024 year

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