For every 10 apartments sold, one house is sold

Diana Perger
Crazilla internet oglasnik

Data from the Crozilla portal showed that in January average asking house prices were 0.4 percent lower than the month before.
Most cities recorded lower house prices, while their increase, except Zagreb, is recorded by only a few cities by the sea.
According to Crozilla lowest price houseduring January it was recorded in Sisak, where on average only 470 euros were requested per square meter, while the highest prices were recorded in Dubrovnik, where on average 3711 euros were requested.

The Greatest monthly declinewas recorded in Vukovar, and there are house prices plummetby 2.3 percent and dropped to 507 euros per “square”. One of the cheapest cities, in terms of house prices, during January was Bjelovar, where the price fell by 1.5 percent, and for a square meter, on average, 513 euros were requested.
A 1.9 percent drop in prices was recorded in Split, but houses there remained among the most expensive, and the average asking price per square meter was 2,174 euros.

The biggest price increase, according to Crozilla data, during January it was recorded in Zagreb where houses were 2.7 percent more expensive on a monthly basis, and for one “square”, including the price of the garden, 1,280 euros were requested on average.

Houses in Zagreb most wanted

The data of the portal showed that during January the most searched houses were in the areas of Zagreb, Zadar, Osijek, Pula and Samobor.

But when it comes to Zagreb, Diana Perger, owner of a real estate agency”Euro-interiors”, tells the portal that the most sought after houses are in the tram zone for investment construction, and on the outskirts of the city and the slopes of the Sljemen for living. It also states how buyers prioritize the marginal western and northwestern parts of the city over the eastern.

There are many houses that are very difficult to sell, and Diana Perger says that the longest standing on the market are those that have a large area, that is, those that the owners built so that parents and their children live in it with their families, and adds: “Such houses generally have over 300-400 square meters and old-fashioned architecture, and for today's occasions too high a price because the owners count as if they sell 3 apartments per 120 “squares” and can get the price as for a square meter of apartment.”

Houses 11% cheaper than apartments

Average asking house prices during January on were about 11 percent lower than apartment prices.
It was only in rare towns, mostly those at sea, that houses were more expensive than apartments. The smallest difference in the prices of these two types of real estate, only 2 euros per “square” was recorded in Zadar. The biggest difference, according to the portal, was recorded in Dubrovnik, where house prices were as much as 23 percent, or 702 euros per square meter more than the prices of apartments.

In many cities of the continental areas there are many houses waiting for new buyers, and these usually stay on the market a little longer than apartments, which is often visible also by the difference in their prices. Houses in Osijek and Bjelovar were as much as 37 percent cheaper than apartments. Converted into money in Osijek, this difference is 359 euros, and in Bjelovar 296 euros per square meter. A noticeable difference during January was also in Opatija, where the average asking price of a “square” of a house was almost 600 euros lower than the price of an apartment.

Talking about the difference between house and apartment prices Diana Perger says that primarily the difference is that houses are not sold per square meter unlike apartments, and adds: “If we are talking about a house that is sold to be demolished and a building with apartments is built in its place, then the price depends on the value of the future project, and if a house is sold for housing, the price is formed according to the location, functionality and current demand of buyers for the same, counting when forming the price that for 10 apartments sold one house is sold, no matter what, if we count per “square”, apartments They are more expensive.”

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