After the spring lull, the Zagreb real estate market finally came to life in the summer months.

Diana Perger
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After the spring lull, the Zagreb real estate market finally came to life in the summer months.

An analysis of ad data showed that houses and apartments in Zagreb were more in demand during August than in other cities. And while students in this period of the year are “responsible” for a noticeable increase in demand for rental housing, APN's subsidized loans, it seems, also greatly influenced the increase in demand for the purchase of real estate this time.


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After the spring lull, the Zagreb real estate market finally came to life in the summer months. Analysis of ad data showed how houses and apartments in Zagreb in August they were more in demand than in other cities. And while students in this period of the year are “responsible” for a noticeable increase in demand for rental housing, APN Subsidized Loans have, it seems, also this time greatly influenced the increase in demand for the purchase of real estate. ad data showed how the demand for real estate in the Zagreb area was higher than last year, but their advertised values were slightly higher. The average asking price of Zagreb apartments in August on the real estate ad amounted to 2,141 euros per square meter, which is 3.9 percent more than last year. The most sought-after city for Purchasing house In August, Zagreb was listed on the ad, and the average asking prices there increased by 4.6 percent compared to last year. The advertised prices are generally different from those at which real estate is ultimately sold, so the mentioned increase seems to have affected only the asking prices, while the realized ones, according to some data, have not changed: “Compared to last year, we could say that the increased interest in houses with the fact that the price of houses and those that were sold (not in advertisements) did not change. “- said Ivana Čikić, owner of Zagreb real estate agency Dom ekspert d.o.o.for

Sellers will be able to sell their property, but not at a higher price

Given all the negative events that have affected the real estate market during this year, the question has often been asked whether and This year's autumn Subsidies have the same impact as in previous years. But despite the fact that applications for subsidies do not officially begin to be received until the end of September, it seems that demand for solving the housing issueWith the help of subsidized loans, it has already reached high level.

“Demand for the purchase of real estate through subsidized loans started as standard already in the second half of August. Customers who plan to make purchases will be realized through subsidies mainly choose the right property for them earlier, sign Preliminary contract with the seller, payments caper, Obavities real estate appraisal, prepare all the necessary documentation and wait for the call of the APN.” - she said Diana Perger, owner of a real estate agency Euro-interijeri For, she added: “Given that APN's public call starts on September 28, demand and realizations are identically good as last year's. Although this year we expect a better result because there are almost two weeks left until the public call, and we are already at the level of last year's results.

“APN every time dresults in increased interest of buyers in real estate,we noticed that buyers even violently try to buy a property just to take advantage of incentives. Is that good? I don't think so, incentives related to the purchase of real estate should be continuously present.“- Ivana Čikić told and added that she believes that given the instability that is present this year in general in the economy due to the coronavirus pandemic and additionally the earthquake in Zagreb, APN did not contribute to the price increase. “The contribution of APN is that sellers will be able to sell their property, but not at a higher price.”

“Despite the corona crisis and the earthquake, and the economic uncertainty on the Zagreb real estate market there was no significant shift in prices, although all the indicators predicted this to us, therefore we consider that Subsidies affect market and price stability.” - for she said Diana Perger, owner real estate agencies Euro-interijeri from Zagreb.

After a difficult spring, an increased number of visitors interested in real estate in the Zagreb area, and it is noticeable and increase in the number of queriesfor real estate there advertised through the classifieds which during August was almost double that in the same month of last year.

published on 21.09.2020

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