Basic ethical guidelines in the Croatian economy

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Basic ethical guidelines in the Croatian economy

The signatory of the Code accepts the obligation to act in accordance with the principles of responsibility, truthfulness, efficiency, transparency, quality, acting in good faith and respecting good business practices towards business partners, the business and social environment and its own employees

On 23 May 2005, the Assembly of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce approved the Code of Ethics in Business, which establishes the basic guidelines for ethical conduct of business entities in the Croatian economy. Establishing ethical criteria contributes to more open and efficient business and better quality connections of business entities in Croatia with the business environment in which they operate.

The Croatian Chamber of Commerce recommends that its members accept the rules of the Code of Ethics in Business.

The declaration should be copied to the memorandum of the company/institution (if it is a natural person, the declaration should only be filled out) and delivered signed to the address:

Communications Service
Roosevelt Square 2, 10000 Zagreb

28. Forum — Code of Ethics Enhances Real Estate Business
Vice President of HGK Josip Zaher, Assistant Director of the Trade Sector Hrvoje Paver, President of the Association Dubravko Ranilović and Josip Bienenfeld and Željko Uhlir, both from the Ministry of Construction and Spatial Planning (from left to right)
Time of the event: 17.11.2017.

“10 years ago, until the adoption of the legal regulation on real estate brokerage, business in this sector took place in a gray zone. The area was neglected and the activity did not develop. Today we are working together to regulate this market and to curb the shadow economy, illegal market match and to make sure that consumers remain protected,” said HGK Vice President for Tourism, Trade and Finance Josip Zaher, opening 28. Forum of real estate business organized by the Association of Real Estate Business HGK.

Forum Speakers and Guests; Source: HGK.

“By adopting the Code of Ethics in the Business of Real Estate Agents, as a self-regulatory mechanism of behavior, we have created conditions for a relationship of trust between intermediaries and users of services, as well as correct business and relations between intermediaries. Therefore, today we will also distribute Certificates to intermediaries who have committed to comply with the provisions of the Code,” Zaher said, adding that over the past ten years there has been an increase in professional staff in this activity.

“In the first nine months of 2017, 25 percent more building permits were issued than in the same period last year, the value of works increased by 18 percent and the number of apartments grew by 27 percent. There are 1000 real estate brokers operating on the market, and only through continuous training and education can we guarantee the further development of the profession”, Zaher pointed out, noting that entrepreneurs through the work of the Chamber Association have support in cooperation with state administration bodies and other institutions.

Forum Audience; Source: HGK.

Deputy Director of the Tax Administration Marijana Vuraić Kudeljan presented current events related to real estate taxation. “The property tax is the only one in which we deviate from the EU, in our country it is called a communal fee, and this limits the local self-government in spending income,” said Vuraić Kudeljan, trying to paint the proposal for a real estate tax, the application of which was abandoned by the Government, as a very positive step that would bring a fairer collection, appreciating age and condition of the property.

State Secretary of the Ministry of Construction and Spatial Planning Željko Uhlir presented the Ministry's plans for 2018. “According to the Strategy on Spatial Planning, we need to focus on the measured use of new space and the reaffirmation of what has already been used, to reduce the pressure on green spaces,” Uhlir said. He also touched on the POS and subsidized loans, which he assessed as very successful measures to retain staff shortages and stimulate demographic recovery. He concluded that no serious progress could be made without the property data registers in place.

The Forum also discussed, among other things, the protection of personal data, innovations that bring amendments to the Construction Law and the Law on Spatial Planning, the determination of maritime property and other current topics in the industry

Proceedings of the 28. Real Estate Forum


Josip Bienenfeld: Amendments to the Building Act and the Zoning Act

Marija Kulaš: On the essence of the Real Estate Brokerage Act

Mr.Sc. Marijana Vuraić Kudeljan: News related to real estate taxation

Tadija Šakić: News in the regulations and measures introduced by the new Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing for Debtors

Mr.Sc. Željko Uhlir: MGIPU plans for 2018

Snjezana Frković: Determination of maritime property


Siniša Petrović — Legal framework of the activity of real estate brokers in the EU

Antonio Mučnjak- Jobs and powers of customs officers and supervision of real estate brokers

Mr.Sc. Željko Uhlir- MGIPU plans for 2018

Josip Bienenfeld — Amendments to the Building Act and the Zoning Act

Snježana Frković — Determination of maritime property

Tadija Šakić — News in the regulations and measures introduced by the new Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing for Debtors

Hrvoje Paver — Presentation of the Code of Ethics in the Business of Real Estate Agents

Snježana Brezović — Presentation of the work of HGK and the Association of Real Estate Business at HGK

Grzegorz Gurbala — Real Estate Market in Poland

Flyer of the Financial Inspectorate related to the new Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

Forum immobilies/real estate business/Josip Zaher


published on November 28, 2017

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