The price of the apartment! Another debatable question

Bernarda Sočev

How to determine the initial sale price of an apartment?

Most sellers when deciding to sell an apartment are faced with the question: “And what about the price of an apartment? How to determine the initial the selling price of the apartment? What price of an apartment will attract the most interested buyers and ensure the best sales conditions?Is it better to putlower selling price of the apartmentwhich is not subject to negotiation, or it is better to put higher selling price of the apartmentso engage in negotiations with potential customers? In the continuation of this blog I will try to explain the pros and cons of both one and the other sales strategy.

Advantages of setting the realistic price of an apartment

Is the real price of an apartment a potential for a quick sale of an apartment?

Realisticthe price of the apartmentalready at the very beginning of sales attracts more interested buyers, and it is possible to choose the one that offers the best conditions buying an apartment. When a seller has more than one buyer, he does not have to engage in a painstaking and exhausting process of negotiating the price and terms of sale. Easy at the start of everything buyers of the apartment makes it clear that he deliberately determined the realthe price of the apartment, and that you will choose the one who offers the best conditions.

One of the biggest advantages of this type of sales strategy is quick sale.Nowadays, when we know that sale of apartmentsslow down, and when we do not know what autumn can bring, the speed of sales is a very important segment in determining the sales strategy.

The advantages of setting a higher price for an apartment

Is a higher apartment price with the intention of lowering the potential for higher profits?

Of course yes higher pricethe apartment leaves more room for negotiation, and therefore means a greater possibility of profit. In addition, when you set a higher the price of the apartmentThe customer believes that your the apartment is worth more, and in this way you can attract customers with higher paying power. Of course, you have to be very careful here, because buyers with more paying power are also looking for apartments that can be classified in that category by their characteristics.

Disadvantages of setting the real price of an apartment

Certainly the biggest drawback is the lack of space for negotiating the price of an apartment, because in practice, every buyer when buying an apartment no matter how low the price is loves a little lower the price of an apartment.

Another disadvantage is the perception of the value of the apartment. In other words, when we set the real the price of the apartmentbuyers sometimes ask what's wrong with the apartment? Why is the apartment so cheap compared to other apartments from the ads?

Disadvantages of setting a higher price for an apartment

Most often, the high cost of an apartment does not attract buyers, more precisely, there is no interest in the apartment. Then the seller is forced to lower the price of the apartment, the apartment is sold for a long time and this is not liked by the buyers. When apartment for a long time salebuyers believe that something is wrong with the apartment because no one has bought it for a year. Customers who follow the ads see that you are constantly lowering the price and feel that you are desperate, and it often happens that they offer far lower the price of the apartmentfrom the real price.

What is the best selling strategy for you and what is the price of your apartment?

We in the real estate agency “Euro-interiors” first ask the question to the seller of the apartment does he want to sell the apartment or does he want to sell the apartment? Of course, all sellers want to sell the apartment, but of course they also want to sell it quickly and for the best possible price. We at Euro-interiors real estate agency are a team of 5 permanently employed licensed agents, most of us have been working for almost 30 years and really know this business very well, and at a joint meeting we will determine the best sales strategy for you, because we are perfectly clear that every seller wants to sell the apartment quickly and at the best price!

If you want to be one of the many sellers who sold your apartment quickly and at the best price, contact us with confidence!


published on 14.08.2024 year

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