How to Determine Real Estate Value — Real Estate Appraisal

Bernarda Sočev

How to determine the value of real estate, real estate valuation?

Everyone who decided to sell their property was faced with the question: How to find out the price of real estate? What is the value of my property?

We all wantproperty to sell quickly, and at the best possible price. Most will first look at the asking prices of similar real estate. Of course they're gonna take a look at what's being sold by the fire extinguishers first? The first on the list is certainly sniffer, follow him Indeksa, Facebook mercato, and not to mention further, the choice is really very large. All of them have search engines in which you enter your data such as location, square footage, floor height, age, etc., and based on the specified parameters and comparison with your property, it will be relatively easy to find the required price your property. But sadly, asking price of most propertiesThere are no ads listed. real market price, it is already aboutreal estate pricesset by the owners themselves, who often set the price in the following way: My real estateIt is better than the neighbors. real estateand therefore the value of my property is higher than that of neighboring properties, and the price of my propertymust be at least 10% higher than the neighboring the price of real estate.The problem is that it is very likely that the neighbor also determined the value of his property in this way. What most do not know, is how long have neighboring properties been sold on the market? How many potential buyers expressed interest in looking at the neighboring real estate, and ultimately how many potential buyers expressed interest in buying neighboring real estate? The answers to these questions certainly give us an answer to the question of how to determine the value of real estate? How is the market valuation of real estate done?

How to determine the market price of real estate?

Real estate agents will say that there are three main parameters for assessing real estate. These are: 1st location, 2nd location, 3rd location. Yes indeed, location is the most important parameter when working real estate appraisal. All in real estateyou can change exceptreal estate locations.KIf we are talking about the location of the property, in addition to the city, neighborhood and street in which the property is located, the exact location of the property is very important and the exact location of the property, the so-called micro location. For example, real estate - an apartment that has an open view, overlooking a park or some greenery is preferable in the market and can achieve a better price than a property that overlooks a neighboring building or house.

In addition, an important role is played by the location of real estate in the building. When we talk about apartments in a building, the apartment located above the garage, passage, storage room, etc. does not achieve the same price as the apartment below which there is another apartment. The apartment that is on the ground floor has a lower price than that on one floor. An apartment on the last, for example, the fourth floor, under a flat roof in a building without an elevator is not sufficiently desirable on the market as the same apartment on the second floor, and therefore does not achieve the same price.

The position towards the sides of the world is also very important, so the most desirable side of the world is the south and the least desirable is the north. The east is also preferable to the west. But if the apartment is oriented to the south, and in front of it is a building with a height of 4 or more floors, which is not far enough away, and our apartment is on the first floor, it unfortunately loses its desirability because its sanctity is obscured by the building in front of it.

Equally important is the layout of the apartment, so for a long time the trend has been for apartments to have as many rooms as possible in as few squares as possible. Thus, it is not uncommon for you to have a two-bedroom apartment in just 55 m2. Of course it has to be missing somewhere in the squares, but most buyers prefer to have two smaller rooms and a smaller room than one room and a larger room. There are also the age of the building, the arrangement, the renovation, property maintenance, maintenance of the building. Is there buildinglift if it is an apartment located above the 2nd floor. Recently, and especially since the adoption of the new law on the management and maintenance of buildings, often buyers accept apartments on higher floors without an elevator if the building has the possibility of installing an elevator. Most of the buildings that were built in the past system have the possibility of installing an elevator.

What kind of roofing is straight or sloping, if it is an apartment on the last floor. When was the last time the roof was repaired if it is a building that is more than 30 years old. We in the real estate agency Euro-interiors in addition to the specified parameters code market valuation of real estateand determinations market prices of real estate We also use comparative methods.

How does the agency assess the market price of real estate? How does the agency determine the value of real estate?

We at Euro-Interiors real estate agency do property valuation by comparing the sale price of properties in the same or similar location, similar real estate. And what does it look like in practice at the Euro-Interiors agency?

If you request real estate appraisalin the real estate agency Euro-interiors, we will first arrange a tour real estate. The property as well as the building itself will be thoroughly inspected by our experienced real estate agents. They'll take a picture of the property. We will ask you for documentation from the property in copy. Most often it is an extract from land registers. If you do not have an extract from the land registers, do not worry, we will find it for you. In addition, it plays an important role inreal estate appraisalthere is also a height of overheads. So it is important that you can tell us how much you pay for heating, cooling, reserve, or simply prepare one month's payment slips so we will investigate the data ourselves. When we collect all the parameters of the movingreal estate appraisal. We do real estate appraisal using comparative methods. First, in our database, we investigate the achieved real estate price in the last 6-10 months. This is also the best parameter for determining the market price of a property, because all these properties have been carefully and thoroughly examined by our agents, and can be easily compared with your property. We also have a list of potential and interested customers. One of the most important facts when evaluating a property is its desirability in the market.

After that we search the database at e-real estate We calculate deviations from the requested and achieved prices, and thus determine the market price and value of your properties. In addition to all of the above, the price of real estate is also influenced by the economic situation in the country, the amount of interest in banks, state subsidies,...

Hire professionals! Contact us with confidence! Agency Euro-interiors has been operating on the market since 1998, we have 5 full-time real estate agents, most of our agents have been employed with us from the beginning, since the foundation of the agency, and have over 25 years of experience in selling apartments, and will certainly determine the best price for your property.

published on 29.05.2024 year

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