Diana Perger

Regarding price correction, I personally think that this topic cannot be covered through one blog because it is extremely complex and enters the sphere of psychology, however I will remind you of some tips;

1.) The buyer should realistically see the advantages and disadvantages of a particular property in both financial and emotional terms (e.g. whether an adaptation is needed, whether the furniture remains, what is the cost of the financing-loan, whether this property is a long-term or short-term solution, how it feels, etc.)

2.) Before deciding what price would be realistic to offer to the Seller, the Buyer should have knowledge of the market, more precisely about the prices achieved in that location, by which I do not mean the unverified stories of neighbors, but the real data that real estate agencies in the area have.

3.) It is necessary to meet the seller personally, find out his reasons for the sale and plans for further, and identify the best approach to it.

4.) I highly recommend leaving price negotiations to professionals who already know all of the above and who will have a realistic, unemotional approach to negotiations.

5.) Negotiations should also take into account all purchase and sale conditions such as payment deadlines, flexibility around eviction, amount of cash/share, etc. What I want to emphasize is that the highest price offered does not necessarily mean that it is the best offer for the Seller.

It is essential to add.. If you as a Buyer enter into negotiations yourself, you should refrain from criticism at the expense of real estate!

The price does not go down in such a way that you point out to the seller the flaws of the same. Sellers are mostly emotionally attached to their properties and will take this as a personal attack for good reason. Buyers need to know that someone's choice of e.g. ceramics, which they don't like, is not a reason the seller would be willing to correct the price, but criticism of them will certainly discourage them from thinking of making a price correction to the buyer.

Plastic example:

Buyer 1., independently in the property comments on the layout of the premises and the necessary investments, perpetuating the same and commenting on the personal taste of the seller related to the decoration, and makes his offer without precise deadlines and terms of payment.

Buyer 2, conveyed his vision of the property to the agent, gave him guidelines, his financing options and acceptable deadlines. The agent uses all his knowledge about the expectations of the seller and the possibilities of the buyer, and in this direction approaches the seller in a professional way and presents him with an offer with all the conditions of sale included.

The bottom line would be that the final price is determined by the location, the current demand, and the personal and professional approach to the seller and the property.

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