How Damir and Tea bought an apartment!

Diana Perger

Successful sale of an apartment to a young and cheerful couple Damiru Hrzici and Tei Gibrat once again reminded me of how fulfilling the job of a real estate agent is to me and how much I love it. I look in front of me that couple who have been in a relationship for six years and are just getting ready for marriage, and happiness in their eyes is something that “feeds” me and drives me for all the further years in which I intend to do this business...

Their choice is a 1.5 room apartment on Malešnica with an area of 40 square meters with a garden of 30 square meters. The apartment is on the high ground floor in a quality built building from 2006. I used the “moment” between signing the contract of sale and waiting for payment and handover of the apartment to have a little chat with them.

  • When was the idea to start buying an apartment born?

Damir: We want to get married and have been fantasizing about living together for the last two years. But we wanted to wait for our car loan to expire in order to take out an apartment loan.

Tea:We wanted to get married to a property owned by us, but we must note that we also received an “incentive” from our parents.

  • How did you choose the parameters by which you were looking for an apartment?

Damir:We knew that we wanted an apartment, not a house, and we set a limit of up to 80,000 euros and 50 square meters. Even if we had more money available we would not ask for more square footage because we do not need it. In addition, we made sure that the overheads were not large. We chose the western part of the city because our parents live in Zagorje, so this location suits us better.

Tea: I always knew I wanted an apartment with a garden and that was a priority! Namely, we both grew up in the country, in a house, and it would be difficult for us to live in an apartment that does not have a garden.

  • Which criterion was most important to you?

Damir: Size and layout, location, energy certificate and of course price.

Tea: The garden!

  • How long did the “search” last?

Damir: For the past year, we've been looking at what's on offer and comparing prices, and we've been on an intense search for the last two months.

Tea:We monitored real estate classifieds and websites of real estate agencies. Although we also saw several buildings under construction they did not interest us so much because we wanted an already built apartment.

  • What was the verdict in the decision to choose this particular apartment?

Damir and Tea:First impression and atmosphere of home... Feeling!

  • Did you have any hesitations when making a decision?

Damir: Ground floor, walnut in the garden (because it is large) and a column of electricity. (Tea laughs)

  • What was the most difficult thing for you in the process that is now behind you?

Damir: Stress about taking out a loan and uncertainty about how the appraisal will go. Namely, we gave the caper in advance, so we were afraid of the possibility of staying “short” for a certain amount.

Tea: Inexperience!

  • When you put the film back would you do something different?

Damir: We would definitely bargain more. (Laughter)

  • What are you fantasizing about now, at this moment, a couple of days before the payout?

Tea:About the key to our apartment! About how we will arrange the space according to our desires. We have to buy a double bed, a sofa and a washing machine — these things are first on the list. But we fantasize about spending the first night on an air bed.

Damir: We look forward to the feeling that we will be on our own.

  • Who knows you bought an apartment?

Tea: Parents and the closest circle of family and friends, and others will find out at the move-in party.

  • Were you afraid to fill out the paperwork? How did you know what to look out for?

Damir: We were afraid that there was a possibility that the garden was annexed to the apartment through a condominium. But there we had the help of a surveyor friend. And all the information we received from you was useful to us.

Tea: We informed ourselves well online and checked all the steps. After all, I am about to graduate from the Faculty of Law, so everything had to be clear to me.

After an experience like this with two enormously nice buyers, what to say except that we want them to enjoy their new apartment!

published on 02.12.2015 year

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