All buyers under the age of 45 who buy their first apartment, and who have entered into or will conclude a Purchase and Sale Agreement after 01.01.2025, by a new provision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, will have the right to a tax refund. In particular, buyers of an apartment in a new building exercise the right to a refund of 50% of the VAT paid, and buyers of a used apartment will be refunded the amount of real estate tax in the amount of 3%. It is important to emphasize that the Law as such has not yet been adopted, and its application will be carried out retroactively. At the time of writing this blog, we know only the outlines of that Law, which is in public consultation as part of the National Plan of Housing Policy. What is known is that the right to a tax refund will be enjoyed by customers who meet these criteria:
- under the age of 45
- citizens of the Republic of Croatia
- for the purchase of the first property
We also know that customers who meet the above criteria will first pay the tax in full, and claim their right to a refund via APN. In the future, it is expected to adopt the Law and Ordinance, which will determine other criteria for exercising the right, such as a certain square footage of a dwelling unit per member of the household (refund of the amount up to a certain square meter if the housing unit is larger than prescribed per member of the household), the maximum price of the housing unit subject to refund, the obligation to register residence in the housing unit, etc..
For all our customers, we follow the new regulations related to the implementation of the national housing policy plan, and we will inform you about them in real time, in a clear and understandable way for everyone. We invite all clients to contact us if they have questions or concerns related to this topic.. Address agenciesand phone numbers have been the same for 27 years because we are your proven real estate site!